
The objective of Solution: Solidarity & Inclusion is to boost social inclusion among younger adults by proposing several kinds of activities allowing to foster mutual acceptance, stimulate human interests by offering cross-cutting activities, design educational programs to open minds and strengthen fair dynamics between generations.

Solution operates in a multicultural and socially complex environment: in the east of Paris, there are more than 70 different ethnic communities whose younger adults may face economic difficulties, as well as social and labor exclusion. Such groups are often excluded from extra scholar offers, which may help them to acquire new skills enabling a better integration into society. Solution's mission is to propose to these people non-formal education activities bringing together different publics and stimulating, this way, intercultural and intergenerational dialogue while promoting the acquisition of soft and hard skills useful for professional and social purposes.

On the European level, Solution aims at multiplying the number of exchanges and partnerships with competent organizations expert in the field of youth education to offer youth with fewer opportunities the possibility to participate in international educational workshops in the framework of the Erasmus+ program where to acquire new skills useful for their social and labor inclusion and where to exchange their ideas with people from other countries.


#SolutionNotPollution is promoted by a team of four youth organisations from Ireland, France, Czech Republic and Germany.

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Future In Perspective

Future In Perspective Ltd. is a private company based in the border region of Ireland specialising in the areas of education and e-learning, media production, strategic planning and business development and evaluation.

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The objective of Solution: Solidarity & Inclusion is to boost social inclusion among younger adults by proposing several kinds of activities allowing to foster mutual acceptance, stimulate human interests by offering cross-cutting activities, design educational programs to open minds and strengthen fair dynamics between generations.

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AKLUB Centre of education and counselling - is an educational organization which was established in 1997 in Krnov, the Czech Republic. AKLUB is respected and highly appreciated for its educational services and for its work in developing educational programmes and products.

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Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV) was founded in 2004 with the aim of providing opportunities for young people and adults to develop and use their soft and professional skills and stimulate their creativity and entrepreneurship through non-formal learning methods.