Solution Not Pollution – Building Problem-solving Skills of Youth to Address Environmental and Climate Change Issues.
is a call to action for youth climate education! Organisations from Ireland, France, Czech Republic and Germany have come together to inspire young people to take the climate change challenge. Over the last two years, these youth organisations from four European partner countries have developed a range of activities and challenges that have been effective in motivating teams of young people, and youth workers in each partner country, to develop their own solutions to the climate crisis. Through these activities young people, and the youth workers and educators who work with them, have been inspired to challenge their own habits, behaviours, and attitudes in relation to climate change and to create novel and innovative solutions to the climate crisis we are currently facing. Through these activities, we have aimed to inspire young people to take up the mantle to become the architects of a greener future for Europe. In this way, Solution Not Pollution promotes a call to climate action!A word from our partners..
The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century. Most of the warming occurred in the past 35 years, with the five warmest years on record taking place since 2010. All scientific evidence - with a 95% degree of probability - suggests that most of the current global warming is the result of human activity since the mid-20th century and that it is proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia. Climate change is no longer a concept or theory; it is now a harsh reality that all people need to face up to.
There is ample evidence that young people all over the world are facing up to this challenge. Global demonstrations in September 2019 were largely organised and led by young people demanding action. However, protest alone is not sufficient to address the climate change challenge. Action is needed on an individual and collective level to change people’s habits; to adopt more environmentally friendly patterns of production and consumption; and to find solutions to the climate change challenge we all now face.
Education has a critical role to play if the protests of young people are to be leveraged into action and #SolutionNotPollution partners believe that youth work is the perfect starting point to set the challenge to today's young people to think of solutions to reduce the many pollutions that contribute to the pace of climate change.
#SolutionNotPollution is promoted by a team of four youth organisations from Ireland, France, Czech Republic and Germany.
Future In Perspective
Future In Perspective Ltd. is a private company based in the border region of Ireland specialising in the areas of education and e-learning, media production, strategic planning and business development and evaluation.
The objective of Solution: Solidarity & Inclusion is to boost social inclusion among younger adults by proposing several kinds of activities allowing to foster mutual acceptance, stimulate human interests by offering cross-cutting activities, design educational programs to open minds and strengthen fair dynamics between generations.
AKLUB Centre of education and counselling - is an educational organization which was established in 1997 in Krnov, the Czech Republic. AKLUB is respected and highly appreciated for its educational services and for its work in developing educational programmes and products.
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV) was founded in 2004 with the aim of providing opportunities for young people and adults to develop and use their soft and professional skills and stimulate their creativity and entrepreneurship through non-formal learning methods.
#SolutionNotPollution has developed a range of educational solutions to the climate change issues that we are facing today. The following training programmes and activities have been developed by #SolutionNotPollution project partners and piloted with young people and youth workers in Ireland, France, Germany and Czech Republic.
Training Programme for Youth Workers
This training programme supports youth workers to use and adapt the WebQuest challenges developed by #SolutionNotPollution and apply them in their youth work practice with young people
Read moreClimate Change Challenge WebQuests
To engage young people in taking the #ClimateChangeChallenge, we have developed a range of 24 WebQuest challenges that provide authentic and engaging learning activities for young people to complete in teams, and to find innovative solutions to climate change issues under each of the following topics:
Read moreOnline and Social Entrepreneurship Training
This training programme supports young people who take the #ClimateChangeChallenge and who create innovative solutions to the climate crisis to further develop their ideas and to bring these ideas to the market.
Read more#MobilisingSupporters
#SolutionNotPollution partners have been working over the project lifecycle to activate youth workers and young people to take the climate change challenge. As well as participating in local events, youth workers and young people have been invited to participate in some transnational training, where they have participated in training on climate change issues online, through Zoom, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and also at a youth mobility exchange in Dresden, Germany. The following activities have been delivered during the project, with the aim of mobilising supporters of our #SolutionNotPollution campaign on a local, national and European level.
This 3-day training programme was hosted online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At this event, FIPL delivered training to youth workers on how to build their own WebQuest challenge activities, to use the Climate Change WebQuests developed by the project with young people in their groups and to enhance their knowledge about climate change issues.
#TakingTheClimateChangeChallenge #Germany
This 5-day transnational training activity was hosted by JKPeV in Dresden, and was attended by 2 young people from each country. This event was hosted in person in April 2022, where young people had the opportunity to test the Climate Change WebQuests developed, to participate in teams to solve some of the key challenges proposed, and to develop innovative and creative solutions to different issues related to climate change.
This virtual transnational training event was hosted online in February 2022. It provided up-skilling opportunities for youth workers so that they could deliver the Online and Social Entrepreneurship Curriculum to young people who generated innovative ideas to climate change issues and wanted to take their ideas a step further to establish online and social enterprises.
#ClimateChangeChallenge Workshops
These workshops were held in Ireland, France, Czech Republic and Germany in 2022. These workshops were used to showcase the project materials we have developed, and to test our solutions to the climate change challenge by introducing young people and youth workers to the WebQuest Challenges and other learning activities developed.
A conference attracting 80 young people, youth workers, policy-makers and climate activists was hosted by Future in Perspective in Ireland in May 2022. This event was used to officially launch all of the products developed by the #SolutionNotPollution project and to create a platform for promoting climate change issues in our community.If you are interested in finding out more information about our project, please feel free to contact us through our #GetInvolved page.
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