Training Programme for Youth Workers

This training programme supports youth workers to use and adapt the WebQuest challenges developed by #SolutionNotPollution and apply them in their youth work practice with young people.

This programme also comprises modules which introduce the climate change challenge to youth service providers and build their core skills to support them to integrate climate education into their daily youth work activities.

Lastly, this training introduces youth workers to entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship education that specifically focuses on the development of online businesses with an environmental theme and builds the core skills of youth workers to support them to integrate these training elements into their youth work practice.

To access and deliver this in-service training programme with youth workers in your network, please download the Tutor Handbook and Learner Manual (below).

Tutor Handbook for In-Service Training

Download Manual

Learner Manual for In-Service Training

Download Manual

If you are interested in completing this programme, why not learn more about the topics covered? The following short videos will provide you with a brief introduction to the topics of climate change, youth-led climate actions and what online and social entrepreneurship are, and why they are viable career pathways for young climate activists!"

Introduction to Climate Change
Youth-led Climate Initiatives
Online Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship


#SolutionNotPollution has developed a range of educational solutions to the climate change issues that we are facing today. The following training programmes and activities have been developed by #SolutionNotPollution project partners and piloted with young people and youth workers in Ireland, France, Germany and Czech Republic.

Training Programme for Youth Workers

This training programme supports youth workers to use and adapt the WebQuest challenges developed by #SolutionNotPollution and apply them in their youth work practice with young people

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Climate Change Challenge WebQuests

To engage young people in taking the #ClimateChangeChallenge, we have developed a range of 24 WebQuest challenges that provide authentic and engaging learning activities for young people to complete in teams, and to find innovative solutions to climate change issues under each of the following topics:

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Online and Social Entrepreneurship Training

This training programme supports young people who take the #ClimateChangeChallenge and who create innovative solutions to the climate crisis to further develop their ideas and to bring these ideas to the market.

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