Step 1: What is Ethical Fashion? And Why is Fast Fashion so bad for the environment?
To get started with this challenge, you need to have your facts straight. Reading that fact on Instagram helped to put the environmental impact of fast fashion into context; it helped to ‘make it real’ for you, so that you understand why it is important to shop ethically, or to buy second-hand. You realise the impact that facts like this can have, so you would like to include some in the description of your ‘Online Swap Shop’. And that require research! The following links may help you to find some interesting facts that you will include in your online shop but use these only as a starting point. The more you learn about this topic, the better versed you will be to promote your Online Swap Shop, so try and complete some of your own independent research too:
Step 2: Planning your Online Swap Shop
Great work so far, you are becoming an expert on fast fashion already! Knowing the impact our consumer choices can have on the environment helps to strengthen your resolve to promote your Swap Shop in your community. Developing an online Swap Shop is a lot like setting up a community drive or a garage sale. You need to find a way to get people involved, and to encourage them to trade their clothes and other items. The difference with a Swap Shop is that rather than buying the items, people get to Swap items. This can be for a period of time, or indefinitely, it is up to the individuals to decide.
For some advice on how to run a successful Swap Shop, you might find the following links to be useful:
Remember, initially anyway, you will be running this Swap Shop online. When researching Swap Shops through these links, have a pen and paper to hand and take note of any tips and advice that you find useful. In the next step, you can take what you have learned from this research and apply it to developing your own Swap Shop.
Step 3: Swap Shop Manifesto
What is a manifesto? It is a “public declaration of policy and aims” (Oxford Languages). While most often associated with political parties and movements, a manifesto is a document which summarises your intentions, motives and views about important issues and also outlines a strategy and policy related to that issue. So, why not write a Manifesto for your Swap Shop?
When writing your Manifesto, you should include the followings:
- Aims and Motivation behind your Online Swap Shop
- Benefits of the Swap Shop for your Community and the Environment
- Ground Rules for your Online Swap Shop
- Operating your Swap Shop – Organising Logistics
- Code of Conduct for Swap Shoppers
For this step, you and your friends should work together and brainstorm how you will set up and run your Swap Shop, how ‘Swappers’ should arrange to meet up and swap, and what ground rules you would like to impose. Once you have your manifesto drafted, design it in a user-friendly format. Nobody is going to read a long document, but if you present it like an infographic, it might have an impact on people:
The following links will help you to develop your Manifesto Infographic:
Step 4: Build your Swap Shop
Well done, now you and your team have your Manifesto, your next step is to go ahead and set up your Online Swap Shop. So, what will you need for that? Well first-off, ‘Online Swap Shop’ is not the most engaging name for your venture, so you will need to come up with a better name than that! You will also need a logo, and then to create your online shop through Facebook. This is a busy step for you and your team, but the following links will support you to complete all of these steps:
Step 5: Promote, Promote, Promote!
Well done everyone! You have created a really nice online swap shop for your community. But how will everyone know that its there? Well for that you need to promote it! Are there any local networks in your community where you could pitch your Swap Shop? Do you know any influencers who might support your cause? What marketing resources do you have access to? The following links will help you to get the message out about your Swap Shop and recruit your first Swapper Shoppers! Best of luck with the Shop, we hope it makes an impact in your community!