Step 1: What are the actual issues in your community?
Great start, you have formed your team. Now your first step is for you to work together
as a team to identify the ‘eyesore’ of your community. Every town in Ireland has some
areas or facilities that have been neglected and that would make a good place for you and
your friends to hang out. As a team, you need to come together to brainstorm the areas
that most need to be renovated. During this brainstorming activity, you should also try to
make a list of things you and your friends want to include in the area you will renovate for
yourselves. When you present to the Tidy Towns Committee, they will want to see what
plans you have for the community area and what facilities you will include that will
benefit not your friends, but also young people in your community. Complete a short
brainstorming activity as a team, to make a ‘wish list’ of what you would like to see in
your town! It does not have to be realistic just yet, the important thing with
brainstorming is to jot down all of your ideas!
Check out the following links to gain some inspiration on how you can get started
researching and brainstorming:
Now that you have a list of what you would like to include, it is time to decide which area
you will renovate as part of your village renewal project. Have a look on Google Maps to
see which area in your town is most suitable:
Step 2: What about the plants?
You are making great progress so far, you have chosen the area you would like to
renovate and you have made your plans for what you will do with the area; your next step
is to think floral! You might think that young people won’t mind what kinds of flowers are
in your new area, but remember, you are presenting your designs to the local Tidy Towns
Committee and asking for their support, and plants and horticulture are important in Tidy
Towns competitions, so it is important that you include some flowers in your designs. But
what flowers? You want to pick flowers that are indigenous to your region, that’s a given;
but what about the bees? We hear so much these days about what we need to do to save
the bees! Planting some pollinators is a sure-fire way to help out our buzzing buddies!
You might not be at all familiar with flowers, but luckily, we have prepared some links for
you and your team to look through so that you can pick some flowers to include in your
Step 3: Cost-Benefit Analysis
Now it is time to get serious for a minute – and talk about the money! In order for the
Tidy Towns Committee to believe that this location can be upgraded, and more
importantly, that it should be upgraded, you will need to present them with some figures
and make the argument for why this area should be invested in for young people.
Unfortunately, even though planting flowers can brighten up the place, money does not
grow on trees, so it is important to understand how much money the improvements will
cost the Tidy Towns Committee, and also to decipher what benefit the improvements will
bring to the whole community. Village renewal and regeneration can be costly in the
short term but can reap rewards in the long term. The importance is in ensuring that
projects that are feasible are invested in.
For this task, we recommend that you split up in your team and together you can make a
plan for how you will estimate the costs for all the work you are proposing, and all of the
supplies you will need for the renovation project. By sourcing reuse- able or recycle- able
materials you will cut the cost drastically while also saving the environment. Try to
consider all of the resources that may be needed to fix-up your chosen area.
The following links will help you with this step:
Step 4: Ready, Steady, Build!
Well done, you and your team have done all the research, calculated the costs and
developed your plans. Now you need to prepare a visual that you can present to the Tidy
Towns Committee at their meeting. Try to remember to include some ‘before shots’ in
your presentation. For this we would recommend that you visit your chosen location and
take some photographs of what it looks like now!
Once you have done this, your next step is to wow the Tidy Towns Committee with an
image of what the area could be!
There are many online garden planners – and these websites are exactly what you need
to present your plans. The following link can be used to make a replica of the area that
you have chosen for the improvements:
By creating a prototype of how the area could love with a little TLC, and by explaining the
benefits that young people will reap from these improvements, you and your team can
make a strong argument for why this area deserves to be renovated!
Step 5: Deliver your Presentation to the Tidy Towns Committee
Well done! You are ready to present your amazing project to your local Tidy Towns
Committee. The Committee is ready and waiting for your team to present your key
findings and recommendations.
Unfortunately, presenting can be a nerve wrecking experience so the following tips will
help you through the process. Make sure that each member of your team has the
opportunity to present a part, and use the following links so that everyone is well-
Lastly, best of luck!